Student Leadership
Student engagement, ownership, and accountability are enhanced through leadership and mentoring opportunities. There are several ways for students in the middle years to get involved in their learning community.
Students are encouraged to apply for a variety of leadership positions. Applicants should submit a typed letter to the Leadership Selection Committee outlining why they are well suited for the position. Training for leadership roles will be provided when necessary.
Student Patrols (Grades 5 and 6)
Patrols are at local crosswalks helping students get to school safely. Our patrols have been honoured with several awards from the Winnipeg City Police over the past five years.
Athletic Council (Grades 5,6,7 and 8)
Participants help to program and implement our lunchtime intramural sports. Responsibilities include scorekeeping and refereeing. Training is provided.
Student Secretary (Grades 6-8)
Students answer phones and greet visitors in the school office during lunch hour.
Lunch Monitor (Grades 5-6)
Lunch monitors spend their lunch hour in one of our primary classes, eating with the students and helping the lunch supervisor. Up to 2 lunch monitors are needed for each classroom, kindergarten to grade 3.
Student Leadership Council (Grades 6 - 8)
Our Student Leadership Council invites all students from grades 6 to 8 to join. The council learns leadership skills. This group organizes and leads activities for the entire student body. They host assemblies, social justice initiatives, environmental initiatives and much, much more!
Morning Announcements (Grades 6 - 8)
Each morning, students deliver morning announcements to our school population. Students volunteer in pairs for this role, delivering announcements for a period of one week at a time.
Yearbook Committee (Grade 8)
This committee is responsible for designing the grade 8 yearbook and the grade 8 farewell video. They meet during lunch hour, monthly from October to April and weekly from April to June. Several positions are available on this committee.

Big Buddies
Students in grades 5 – 8 are role models or “Big Buddies” to students in the early years classes. Buddy activities include reading together, working on projects, and celebrating special occasions.
At St. Ignatius, we offer fun, challenging ways for students to learn and grow through a range of clubs. These clubs include all grade levels. They each meet once a week, for a six week period.
- Running Club
- Craft club
- Debate Club
- Chess Club
- Intramurals
- Coding Club
- Math Club
- Green Team
- Social Justice
- Board Games Club

Junior Choir
Students in Grades 3 & 4 are invited to participate in our choir program. The choir leads the school at school liturgies throughout the year. They also perform on many special occasions such as the Christmas Concert, Grade 2 First Communion, Grade 3 First Reconciliation, the volunteer tea in May, the Grade 8 Farewell and at our annual choir concert in June. The choir is led by Mrs. Rachelle Matychuk and is accompanied by Mrs. Susan Cave.
Senior Choir
Students in Grades 5 through 8 are invited to participate in senior choir. This choir practices all year and performs at all special school functions such as the Christmas Concert, Grade 2 First Communion, Grade 3 First Reconciliation, the volunteer tea in May, the Grade 8 Farewell and at our annual choir concert in June. The choir is led by Mrs. Rachelle Matychuk and is accompanied by Mrs. Susan Cave.
Private Music Lessons
A convenient way for your child to attend piano lessons. Our private music lessons occur during the school day, and are co-ordinated by the music teacher. Lessons are scheduled weekly to ensure students don’t miss the same subject repeatedly in the school day cycle.
The music instructor will pick your child up from class, and walk them to and from the music room for their 30-minute lesson.
Piano Lessons
Mrs. Susan Cave is a RCM certified teacher with 28 years experience in piano and theory. She worked at Taubers Music School for 10 years as a senior piano instructors, where she also adjudicated festivals and exams. Mrs. Cave taught a private music program at Balmoral Hall for 2 years, and runs a private music school in her home for the past 15 years. Her students range in ages from 5 years to adult. Mrs. Cave will prepare students for all levels of piano exams as well as the theory co-requisites exams.
Mrs. Cave will coordinate with the school in order to schedule the lessons. Lessons will be provided on a weekly basis rather than on a school day cycle basis. This way, students will not miss the same subject every week. Students will be picked up in the classroom, taken to the piano room for the 30-minute lesson and then they will be returned directly back to class.
If you are interested in having your child(ren) participate in this programming, please contact Mrs. Cave directly at: All payments will be made directly to Mrs. Cave and tax receipts will be issued by her as well.