Age Qualification

Provincial standards require that children being admitted to kindergarten be five years old on or before December 31 of the year they begin kindergarten. Children being admitted to Grade 1 must be six on or before December 31 of the year they begin Grade 1.

Available spaces

Space at St. Ignatius School is based on our maximum class size of 30 students in classes grades 1-8, 18 students in Nursery, and 25 students in kindergarten. The Board retains the right to limit class size to a number below the maximum level.

Class size can exceed the limit only by the passage of a Board motion in consideration of a specific case.  Parents must petition the Board in writing for consideration of a special admission request when maximum class size may be exceeded.

In the event that all other criteria are met and the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of available spaces, the final decision for acceptance into the school shall rest with the Board.

Priorities and Conditions

The St. Ignatius School Board of Directors reserves the right to accept applicants subject to the following priorities and conditions:

Parishioners of St. Ignatius Church

First priority will be given to children and siblings of St. Ignatius Church parish members currently enrolled in the school, and then to the children of the Parish’s practicing Catholic families who are supporting the Parish financially, according to their means. Priority will be assigned based on the length of time families have been members of the Parish.

Catholic Students from other Parishes

Catholic children who are not currently members of this parish will be considered on an individual basis. Preference will be given to children coming from other parishes that do not have schools, or where enrollment is such that space is not available in their local parish school.

Non-Catholic Students

Non-Catholic children may be admitted to St. Ignatius School if there is space available. Catholic applicants will have priority over non-Catholic applicants. Children from these families will be expected to participate in the entire educational program of the school, including religious instruction and school liturgies. 

Non-Resident Students

Families of children who hold Canadian Visitor’s Visas and who are admitted to the school will be expected to financially contribute to the school the amount equal to the sum provided by the provincial grant, as well as the costs above the provincial grant.