At St. Ignatius School we follow the Manitoba Curriculum. The Early Years curriculum approaches learning in a positive and dynamic way. Students are taught how to think independently, solve problems, to read and write, explore numeracy, and social-emotional awareness.
We recognize that parents are the primary faith educators of their children. We encourage families to continue to develop and deepen their faith through family prayer, participation in parish masses and sacraments, and community outreach.
Religious Education
St. Ignatius School employs the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops’ full catechetical program as a daily component of the school’s academic life. Students in grades 7 and 8 receive daily instruction in religion. In addition to regular catechetical instruction, the school responds to the mission of Catholic schools by integrating the values and beliefs of the Catholic faith into all aspects of the school’s academic program.
Sacramental Preparation
Sacramental preparation for First Communion (grade 2) and First Reconciliation (Grade 3) is included in our educational mandate. The preparation for receiving these sacraments is a joint undertaking involving parents, the school, and the parish. Your child will receive instruction in the classroom and parents are asked to assist in preparing them at home. Information about this process will be distributed by the classroom teacher.
Each school day begins with prayer. We encourage families to develop rituals around daily prayer such as grace at meals, bedtime prayers, or praying for special intentions.
Participating in Sacramental and Liturgical Celebrations
Mass/liturgical celebrations are scheduled throughout the school year as identified on the school calendar. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. There are also opportunities throughout the school year for students to participate in the sacrament of reconciliation as identified on the school calendar.
Community Service/Social Justice Initiatives
We believe in putting faith in action through community service experiences and social justice initiatives. We teach our students to research, discuss, and respond to needs within our community.
English Language Arts
The goal of the English program is to develop language and literacy skills through the six language arts: listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing.
Students set goals and reflect on their academic growth. They learn to be a part of a caring community. Language skills are developed in authentic ways through the use of multi-media materials as well as through learning interactively with other students.
This curriculum is designed to teach students to undersatnd math in a way that it is part of our everyday lives. It encourages logical and creative thinking, problem-solving and co-operative interaction with their peers. The curriculum is designed so that different styles of learning and thinking are valued. Students are encouraged to ask questions and take risks. Students also learn to communicate in mathematical language and apply their knowledge to the world around them.
The Science curriculum has five foundations.
- The Nature of Science and Technology
- Science, Technology, Society and the Environment
- Scientific and Technological Skills and Attitudes
- Essential Science Knowledge
- The Unifying concepts
From Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6, our students develop skills for making music individually and as part of a group. They do this using a diverse range of instruments including their own voices.
Physical Education
The goal of the Physical Education curriculum is to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to live a healthy and balanced life.

Social Studies
Students study people and their relationship to their environment. Citizenship in a global community is the focus at all grades. Students gain the skills, the knowledge and the moral values that we need in our society. At St. Ignatius School, this program also connects this knowledge in a Catholic context. As members of the Church we also recognize our role in caring for others and for the environment.
Basic French
From Kindergarten to Grade 3, our students receive approximately 110 minutes of basic French instruction per school cycle. From Grade 4 to Grade 6 this increases to approximately 150 minutes per school cycle.
Children acquire language by listening to people speaking. The Early Start program focuses on oral language acquisition. Students are exposed to basic vocabulary through music, movement, visuals and the teacher's use of the French language.